Mudras Invite Illumination
Mudras originate from an ancient, mystical science using a symbolic gesture or ritual hand position that draws in and balances the flow of energy. They activate the subtle body in amazing ways to deepen the experience. A practice including mudras has the potential to transform our physical, mental and spiritual qualities.
Our hands are a source of evolutionary power.
Mudras have been around for thousands of years and although their origin is a mystery, through the ages they appear in many traditions and religions. Mudra is a Sanskrit word meaning seal or symbol.
Each mudra moves the energy in a precise way through the body to create emotional, mental, and physical changes. They are an ancient, esoteric healing tool that remain as relevant today as ever.
One of the mystical nuances of mudras is that they create a deep, balancing effect to help to access grounding and peace. When used in meditation or rituals, the mind is subtly influenced and provides an entrance to our inner life. There are connecting principles at play within the hand gestures.
Each area of the hand corresponds to specific parts of the mind or body.
Mudras communicate thoughts, intentions and emotions and can directly effect our consciousness.
Use mudras as part of your meditation practice. Use them throughout the day as mindfulness practices. Hold the mudra for several minutes so the energy of the position can be more deeply internalized. Notice what happens.
Practice from a thoughtful place. Take a breath and gently focus on your fingers and hands.
The effect of mudras intensifies with your breath. Inner mastery develops in the pauses between the breath. Lengthen the pause between the ‘inhale’ and the ‘exhale’. Notice the movement, the feel of fingers touching, the amount of pressure or lack of. You’re presencing the mudra.
These gesture require awareness and sensitivity. Resist trying to make something happen. Just be with what is. Give thanks and be present and patient for how the mudra touches you and your consciousness.
Use the support of mudras to influence your mind and soften your heart. They can be done any time, any place and are a wonderful resource to add to your ‘healing toolkit’.
Hand Gestures
Gyan mudra
Connects to higher consciousness. This symbolizes the unity of universal and individual consciousness.
Method: Join tip of the thumb and the tip of the index finger together.
Elements: Air + Space
Benefits: Fosters connection to higher self. Redirects the flow of energy toward the root chakra. Expands awareness.
Buddhi mudra
Enhances intuitive communication. Improves internal + external dialogue. Encourages mindfulness.
Method: Join tips of little finger + thumb together.
Elements: Earth + Space
Benefits: Strengthen intuitive knowledge. Clears your inner mind. Frees you from busy thoughts.
Dhyana mudra
Brings you into deeper more profound concentration. Ignites spiritual fire. Gesture of absolute balance.
Method: Place right hand [enlightenment] on top of left hand [illusion].
Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, + Space
Benefits: Connecting with higher energies. Fosters tranquility and inner peace. Balances feminine and masculine energies.
Anjali mudra
Often accompanied with Namaste greeting or is a sign of completion. Namaste translates as “The light in me Bows to the light in you”.
Method: Bring your palms together in front of heart chakra with fingers pointing upwards.
Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, + Space
Benefits: Offering respect. Deepens awareness. Honouring the union between one heart and another.
This article has been updated - originally printed in June 2017.